A web with a log or a log online; Various strangeness is found in mine. Perhaps an account of the things that I do, Or stories of feats too absurd to be true. Imagined fantasies from a mind that's just odd; Discussions about our good, loving God. If you thirst for weirdness, this shall be a quencher-- Welcome to my random adventure.

Friday, July 28, 2006


Hey everybody. On a more spiritual note than I've been doing so far, I wanted to talk about temptation. I've been struggling with it on and off, and I wanted to get some feedback, hear what you think about it, and if I should pray for you.
First of all, what kinds of things do you get tempted with? You don't have to be specific if you don't want to. A big one for me is materialism, wanting things or money instead of God. Another one I struggle with is lust. How about you all?
Also, what do you do when you're tempted? The logical course of action should be to get away as fast as possible, but a lot of times that's not what we do. Sometimes when I get tempted I think, "Well, I already sinned by thinking about it, so I might as well just do it anyway." I fail to acknowledge that there is another choice. But that mindset has led me to failure more times than I care to admit. I have to keep reminding myself of I Corinthians 10:13, which basically states that there is always a way out when we are tempted.
Why do you think we get tempted? If we truly trusted in God, we would know that what He has for us is far better than the brief pleasure and eternal destruction of sin. A lot of times we're not fully trusting in the Lord, which I think definitely makes us more susceptible to temptation. What do you all think about all of this? I'd like to hear some feedback. Please pray for me, and if you're struggling too, I'd be glad to pray for you. God bless, and remember, when you are tempted with evil, do not give in!


Blogger Doc Peterson said...

Yeah, I would really appreciate some prayer in this area! It's more like what am I not tempted with than what am I tempted with. Though I know two things, maybe three. Temptation is neither good nor evil. It is a fact of life, if we give in, it is bad. However, if we triumph in it-the glory goes to God! So temptation can be another avenue of triumph. Not that you should pursue it because it will pursue you sure enough. Another thing I learned is to take a step back and pray when feeling any of these things because they put your defenses down

Also, that these make feelings ae conducive to sin, they really just reveal what is in your heart. If I yell at someone, yeah, I might be tired, but the feeling was harbored in my heart and I was not in the right place.

Sometimes I feel like certain sins will always be a part of my life. God helps me fight against that way of thinking but sometimes I don't ask Him for that help and that's where things go awry. I think 'lack of self-control' pretty much sums things up. Then I feel like because I am sinful, if anybody knew what I think about or what I do, they would never talk to me again. So yeah, it's difficult to even discuss with other people. Thanks for the great advice though Samuel. I think I shall read that a couple more times.


1:24 PM


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