A web with a log or a log online; Various strangeness is found in mine. Perhaps an account of the things that I do, Or stories of feats too absurd to be true. Imagined fantasies from a mind that's just odd; Discussions about our good, loving God. If you thirst for weirdness, this shall be a quencher-- Welcome to my random adventure.

Monday, July 03, 2006



Blogger Leumas said...

Ok, I'm kinda new at this, and my computer has a history of being difficult and uncooperative, so keeping this blog going will certainly be a task. First of all, my sadistic computer wouldn't let me type in the box for my original post, which is why it is blank, and I'm having to post stuff by replying to my own posts. Not cool, hopefully I'll be able to fix that in the future. But like I said, I'm pretty new at this...I was originally just starting this account so I could post on my church youth group's new blog, http://cclburgyouth.blogspot.com, but it required me to have my own account to do so, and now that I have it, I might as well do something with it. Though maybe not until I can figure out how to post in actual posts. :-) This is just an introductory message; I have ideas for the future if I can get all the technical difficulties sorted out, and if I receive any sort of feedback indicating that people are actually reading my blog (mostly I expect my church group and other friends too, once that blog becomes more popular). That's all I have to say for now. God bless, and have a happy Independence Day!
P.S. Does anyone know what to do about the Random Question in the profile? The computer is preventing me from saving any part of my profile info because I can't figure out what they want me to do for the Random Question. :-(

7:11 AM

Blogger Jen said...

I'm having technical difficulties too. I cant get my url to be anything but numbers and it hates me... its cool that we all get to talk and encourage eachother tho.
Oh an the random question, you dont have to answer (I didnt at first) just unclick the box (that says give me a new question or something likt that) and then click save. c u tomorrow. :)

9:13 PM

Blogger Doc Peterson said...

Ha-ha! Found you...then found myself! Are you going to get a profile going? You can already read my posts and stuff but they're a little old. Kinda funny to read though. "Leumas" has a blog. Haha, you've finally become "one of us" a shudder at this point would be acceptable. It's cool that you're doing it through your church. Talk to you later--
*ahem* Doc Peterson

10:36 PM

Blogger Doc Peterson said...

You needs to make a new post!
So we can read about your secret life as a revolutionary Jell-o flavor! Not revolutionary as in, "oh, that's unique!" but as in "viva la revolution!"

-The Doc

2:53 PM

Blogger Leumas said...

Hey! What's up, Doc? Doc Peterson...in reply to your comment, I would love to post again. Once I figure out this stupid site and/or get access to another computer that does not mess everything up like this one does and actually allows me to post things. I was thinking if I ever actually get this thing going, it would be cool, just for fun, to have semi-fabricated tales of what has been happening in my life...or largely fabricated, like the revolutionary jello leader you mentioned (inside joke, to anyone else who's reading this). We'll see...

7:03 AM


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